The Counselor: Chapter 5, Deep Blue pool

Friday, August 8, 2008

i reminisce on the days when i could not swim in deep water. when i was younger, i would always take a deep water test but never past. year after year i failed to stay at the surface of an 8 feet deep pool. at the age of 10 i nearly drowned in the Dunlevey Milbank center pool because i decided to test my skills in the deep side of the pool, even though i knew i couldnt swim. Now 8 years later, i come back to face my potential death setting, The Deep Blue pool.

"I would like to take a deep water test" i said to one of the life gaurds. She asks "do yuou know how to swim. i said yeas and told her i just cant tread water. she told me that as long as i can doggy paddle then i would be fine. i could doggy paddle. i'm good at that. if i could do that i figured that i will be fine because i can swim.

It is 15 minutes after 11am and the last test taker leaves the pool passing that test. "if one of my kids from my group can past the deep water test, then i can" i said to my self. As i walk onto the diving board, my heart beats with fear. i stare at the water remembering wat i did to myself 8 years ago. "Hands up straight, and your gonna jump staright down" the life gaurd says.

To be continued.......