All Out Attack

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

So yesterday was okay. Rich was on my back the whole time to get me to make sure that my team is doing what they're supposed to be doing. It got kind of annoying because I don't want to be like a nagger and seem like I don't trust my team. If they know what they're supposed to be doing, then I really shouldn't have to check on them except for like the young ones or the ones that need direction. The list has been divided and now we're organized. Every journalist has a photographer/web person and a video person to go on stories with. Sherwin's last day is today so it's really important for him to get certain things done before he leaves. Kumasi stopped by yesterday and she got us a media site visit for the first week of August. I'm really excited to be able to visit ABC because besides CNN, it's my main source for news. Tonight it that Alumni gathering so I will be networking and helping Coco. I had a bit of problem with Jennifer because I don't like laziness and slackers so I hope that that can be resolved. I learned alot about my teammates yesterday and I really do love my team. We taking it!!!