Oh Brother

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

having brothers can be a pain the ass can't it? from the loud annoying little brothers that snitch. to the older " i'm too cool to be around you" A-HOLE brother. my three brothers are really hard to deal with. two of them are older than me.
i'll start with the oldest. he may be almost 25 but at times he act like he's barely 12! and HE HAS HIS OWN PLACE im surprised he can pay rent without being behind.
then there's my other older brother; for the most part he's not so bad but sometimes he can be really overprotective. when i asked him to help me with starting a myspace he flipped out and said never to log on!! and when i told him i was dating someone you know he says? he says he want to break both my boyfriends legs. i dont know if i have a brother or a father.
last but not least my little brother. at times he's okay. but there are other times when i wish he wasnt born. like when he goes in my room without my permission, listens to ALL of my phone conversatons or when he constantly asks me to buy stuff and i always tell him to wait.
Brothers, cant live with them cant live without them, cant turn them into mind-controlled zombies.